Born somewhere in the Black Forest, I started my photographic career in 1999 when I received my first commissions from the music magazine `Intro`. Subsequently I decided to get a solid education and started 2002 an apprenticeship at Lette-Verein in Berlin. With finishing 2005, I officially began to work as a freelance photographer. Beside my commissioned work, I´m always working on free projects which have been priced with e.g. G&J Photo Award, Canon-Profifoto-Newcomer Award or Vattenfall Photo Award and exhibited in diverse group and single exhibitions.
Commissioned works have been ordered by numerous national and international newspapers, magazines, publishing houses and agencies such as:
11FREUNDE, ADAC Reisemagazin, adeo, ART, Berliner Morgenpost, Bilanz, brands4friends, Bunte, C3, Chrismon, Coty, Cover, dasimperium, De:bug, DER SPIEGEL, Diakonie, DIE WELT, DIE ZEIT, Droemer Knaur, Eltern, Eltern Family, Elsevier (NL), Euro, Financieele Dagblad (NL), FAZ, Financial Times, FOCUS, Für Sie, Galore, GEO WISSEN, Guardian, Handelsblatt, Heimat, Holland Herald (NL), Impulse, Ink Global, Intro, KPMG, Lufthansa Magazine, Manager Magazine, myself, NIDO, Observer (UK), Philosophie Magazine, Roland Berger, rpm, Scholz & Friends, Stadtleben, STERN, Strichpunkt, Sunday Times Magazine (UK), Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, tempus corporate, territory, Trigger Happy Productions, VIVA, WELT am Sonntag, Wirtschaftswoche, ZEIT Magazine, ZEIT Wissen, Zitrusblau, Zwoelf Medien
For inquiries, please use the contact form or simply give me a call.